Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Kool-Aid Hair

I realize that I am probably about a year behind the trend but I personally love the idea of dip-dyed hair. Ignore it if you want but here are some instructions to follow if you are interested!(courtesy of Yahoo Kool-Aid
Method #1
-Take three packages of unsweetened Kool Aid mix in the same color. The darker reds, purples, and greens tend to work the best, showing up the longest even on dark hair.
-Rub Vaseline over your ears and forehead to keep the dye from dripping.
-Boil water on the stove in a pot. After the water comes to a boil, slowly let it begin to cool and pour water into a smaller bowl or container.
-Mix three packages of Kool Aid mix into the water.
-Add a ten drops of olive oil to keep the hair soft and to keep from getting sticky.
-Part hair that will be dyed into sections.
-Slowly dip the first section into the mix for up to five minutes, after about three minutes, pull out the piece and do a test. Dip hair again if needed.
-After the section is perfectly dyed, wrap it in tin foil to keep it from touching other parts of the hair.
-If color isn't strong enough after the first application, wait a few days and try again within a few days.

Method #2
-Taking the same steps to put Vaseline on on the ears and forehead, part hair.
-Take a container and put three packages of unsweeted Kool Aid and mix with one cup of water being careful to not make a liquid mix like the first method but to create a paste.
-Add a few drops of conditioner to the mix stirring it in the same way adding to the paste. Do not let the mix get watery.
-With gloves apply the mix to your fingers carefully to the first section of hair making sure the paste covers the hair like a normal dye. After each strand is saturated, pull it back from the face and wrap it in foil to keep it from dripping.
-Keep the mix on the hair for no longer than five to ten minutes, wipe off color to check on progress and reapply if needed.
-When the right color is reached wash out color making sure to get all paste out. Add olive oil to wet hair after it is rinsed to keep hair soft and not sticky.
Depending on hair type and color, your need Kool Aid color could last anywhere from a few days to about a month or longer.
xoxo, Paloma(Disclaimer: Article is not mine)